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IMPORTANT NOTICE: If your preferred date isn't available, join our waiting list! Please proceed with a booking using our booking form above and enter your preferred date. If that date becomes available, you will be contacted promptly to confirm a booking with times and details. We generally open spaces between 2-3 days in advance to give us a better idea on the forecasted conditions. Check back daily for more availability. Please get in contact if any issues arise.

Meitaki maata!

Humpback breaching the surface outside of the Avatiu Harbour

What Will You See?

Whale Watching in Rarotonga

Our Epic Whale-Watching Experience

Every whale watching trip is a unique experience, and sightings may vary. During the months of July through till October we can just about guarantee seeing multiple Humpback Whales during the tour. Many onboard our trips have witnessed 'flukes', 'spouting' and most impressively some out of water 'breaches'! Be sure to bring a camera (if you have one), to capture some of these epic displays from these magnificent creatures.

Whale Watching in Rarotonga

For Those Who Enjoy Comfort & Style

Experience the magic of the Humpback whales in comfort and style. Come aboard our stable 42ft displacement catamaran, fully equipped with a private onboard toilet and couch seating. With a spacious deck layout and plenty of room to maneuver, the famous 'Lady D' is the ideal vessel for an epic whale-watching experience! BYO food and drinks is encouraged, sit back, relax and enjoy the show!

Our famous 42ft boat 'Lady D'

Our 42ft Vessel
'Lady D'

Observing the whales from a safe distance

Our Priorities & Responsibilities

Whale Watching in Rarotonga

Responsible Whale-Watching

Whale Watching Rarotonga follows strict-guidelines to ensure the safety and well-being of the whales. There are many guidelines that help assist in the protection and well-being of these magnificent creatures. We personally use the WCA as a guide for responsible whale watching for our tours. See more on their website:

Whale Watching in Rarotonga

Passenger Comfort & Safety

We are dedicated to offering the best whale-watching experience possible! Our crew is made of experienced Captains, knowledgeable in operating passenger vessels in the open waters of Rarotonga. They hold expert understanding of the local area. Our team constantly monitor sea and weather conditions and will communicate professionally if any changes or cancellations are to arise before the tour. Sea legs can be tricky at times so please be prepared.

Our team is focused on responsible whale watching and passenger comfort and safety


Humpback Whale Season in Rarotonga

The whale season in Rarotonga and the Cook Islands starts in July and goes until October. Most of the whale sightings in Rarotonga are usually in September, however this can vary from year to year.

Humpback whale looking at the camera

Did you know?

Humpback whales are renowned for their enchanting songs, used for both communication and during the mating process. These captivating melodies can traverse extensive distances beneath the waves during the whale season.

Humpback whales breaching in Rarotonga

Did you know?

These majestic creatures embark on an incredible 4000-mile migration from their frigid polar feeding grounds in the Southern Ocean to the warmer waters of the South Pacific islands. In these tropical waters, they engage in mating and give birth. During this remarkable journey, they become entirely dependent on their stored fat reserves.

Humpback tail and fin slapping

Did you know?

Humpback whales, scientifically known as Megaptera novaeangliae, are cetaceans that can weigh up to 40 tons and grow up to 19 meters in length. They belong to the rorqual family, which includes other notable species like the minke whale and the world's largest animal, the blue whale.

Baby Humpback Whale jumping out of the water


Whale Watching Rarotonga Tours

We are always thrilled to receive such kind feedback from our guests onboard our tours. See below why we are so highly recommended!

Lauren Irvine

Awesome tour whale watching! The crew were amazing - so good we ended up going twice! The boat is really comfortable, and a great layout. Thanks crew!

Al Hall

Awesome whale watching experience with the crew. The crew were super respectful of the whales while still giving all aboard great views! This boat also helps out local whale conservationists, so they're well worth supporting!

Samantha O'Brien

We went on a whale watching tour today. It was amazing! They are so professional and very respectful of the whales. The afternoon was so memorable. 100% recommended!

Brad Brown

Best boat and skipper on Rarotonga. Did their whale watching tour and it was great. We had a fantastic time, saw almost too many whales!

Gail & Tracey

Went on a tour today Mon 18 Sept, fantastic experience. Staff were fab and very respectful of the whales. We got an awesome show of 3 whales for at least 1 hour and then some more. Highly recommend!



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Whale Watching Rarotonga Tours
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Whale Watching Rarotonga Tours / +682 55292

Rarotonga / Avatiu Harbour / Avarua / Matavera / Ngatangiia / Arorangi / Takitumu / Cook Islands

© Whale Watching Rarotonga 2023 / Avatiu Rd / Avarua District / Rarotonga / Cook Islands

Whale Watching Rarotonga | Whale Watching Tours | Avaitu Harbour - Last updated 12th September, 2023.

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